What Every Senior Should Know About Buying A Hearing Aid
December 26, 2022

Have you been noticing that it’s getting harder and harder to hear? Maybe you have trouble hearing the television, or you can’t follow conversations in a group setting. If you’re over the age of 50, it’s quite common to start losing your hearing. In fact, one in three people in this age group will experience some degree of hearing loss.

If you think you might be dealing with hearing loss, the first step is to visit a hearing specialist for a comprehensive exam. Once you’ve been diagnosed, your doctor will likely recommend that you purchase a hearing aid.

Hearing Aids Styles

There is a variety of hearing aid styles available on the market, from behind-the-ear models to in-the-canal options. The style that’s right for you will depend on the severity of your hearing loss, as well as your personal preferences.

Behind the Ear

Behind-the-ear hearing aids are the most visible type of device, as they sit on top of your ear and extend down behind it. These models are larger than other types of hearing aids, but they’re also the most durable. They’re a good choice for people with severe hearing loss, as well as young children who are still growing.

In the Ear

In-the-ear hearing aids are smaller than behind-the-ear models, and they fit snugly inside your ear canal. These devices are less visible than other types of hearing aids, but they can be more difficult to insert and remove. In-the-ear hearing aids are a good choice for people with mild to moderate hearing loss.

In the Canal

In-the-canal hearing aids are even smaller than in-the-ear models, and they fit deep inside your ear canal. Because they’re so small, in-the-canal hearing aids are barely visible when you’re wearing them. These devices can be challenging to insert and remove, and they’re not recommended for people with severe hearing loss.

Completely in the Canal

Completely-in-the-canal hearing aids are the smallest type of device, and they’re practically invisible when you’re wearing them.

These models fit deep inside your ear canal, and they can be difficult to insert and remove. Completely-in-the-canal hearing aids are not recommended for people with severe hearing loss because they don’t have enough power to amplify sound effectively.

What to Consider When Buying a Hearing Aid

Once you’ve decided on the style of hearing aid you want, there are a few other factors you’ll need to consider before making your purchase.

Noise Reduction

Usually, all hearing aids will come with some form of noise reduction. This feature is important as it helps to filter out background noise so you can focus on the person or sound you’re trying to hear. If you live in a noisy environment or if you have trouble hearing in groups, look for a hearing aid with advanced noise reduction features.

Directional Microphones

Many hearing aids now come with directional microphones, which can help you hear speech more clearly in noisy environments. If you have trouble hearing in places like restaurants or crowded rooms, directional microphones may be a good option for you.


One of the most important things that every senior should know about buying a hearing aid is the existence of telecoils. Telecoils are special coils that are built into hearing aids, and they enable users to connect their devices directly to landline phones and other sound systems.

This allows seniors to hear much more clearly than they would without the telecoil, and it also eliminates the need to fumble with volume controls or other settings. If you think you might need a hearing aid in the future, be sure to ask about the presence of a telecoil.

Rechargeable Batteries

If you are looking for a hearing aid, you may want to consider getting one with rechargeable batteries. These types of batteries can make maintenance easier for you by eliminating the need to change the battery regularly. Rechargeable batteries can also be more cost-effective in the long run.

Final Words

When it comes to choosing a hearing aid, there are many factors that you’ll need to consider. With so many different styles and features available, it’s important to do your research before making a purchase.

Be sure to ask your audiologist for help in selecting the best device for your needs, and don’t hesitate to try out different types of hearing aids to find the one that’s right for you. With a little knowledge and effort, you’ll be able to find the perfect hearing aid to help you hear your best.