How to Use and Care for Your Nonstick Cookware
January 8, 2023

Using nonstick cookware is highly delightful. It is easy to use, prevents your food from sticking to the pot, and allows you to cook with less oil— actual bliss in the form of cookware.


However, as appealing as all of these advantages may appear, it is easy to destroy your cookware by making simple mistakes. Nonstick cookware is delicate and requires special attention and upkeep.

Here are some pointers on how to take care of your nonstick cookware.

  1. Avoid using metal implements.

This is the first rule to keep in mind. You should never use steel or metallic utensils on a nonstick pan or pot since they will scratch it and cause damage. This means no metal spatulas for flipping eggs or pancakes, no forks for mixing your food in the pot, and no steel serving spoons for dishing your meals. Utensils made of wood or silicone are the best options for your nonstick cookware.

  1. Do not preheat an empty pan.

One mistake many people make is placing the pan on heat without oil or fat. Preheating an empty pan is fine if it is metallic; however, if you constantly preheat your nonstick pan, it will cause damage to its surface over time. This is because the cookware is made with aluminum, which burns faster than other materials. The ideal thing is to add a small amount of oil to the pan to grease it and then place it on the fire before adding your food.

  1. Use it on medium or low heat.

It would be best to use nonstick pans or pots on medium to low heat. Higher heat will damage the cookware surface, releasing harmful substances into the air, depending on what type of coating the nonstick pan or pot has. If you place your nonstick pan on high heat, it will distort, and the coating will bubble, thereby losing much of its nonstick qualities.

  1. Avoid cleaning your cookware in the dishwasher.

Most nonstick cookware claims to be safe in the dishwasher, but heat and very harsh detergents will destroy the pot or pans coating faster than when hand washed. A quick tip: try not to use stiff or metallic brushes and hard detergents when hand cleaning your nonstick cookware, as they’ll ruin the surface. Non-abrasive or soft sponges are suitable for it.

  1. Store your pans well

It’s ideal if you can hang your pans and leave plenty of room between them. However, most people do not have that option, so if you’re stacking them, try to separate them from sharper items and corners. Also, make sure you can reach them without scraping the bottom surface of one on the side of another.

That’s all there is to it. Maintaining constant awareness of these rules can be challenging, but with time you’ll be able to internalize these tips. Nonstick cookware is excellent to have, so make sure you take care of it, and it will last a long time.